BARK by Range monitors content including texts, emails, and social media platforms for potential issues so that you can protect your family.
• BARK by Range can CONNECT to more than 30 online platforms, including those most used by kids such as YouTube, SnapChat, and TikTok.
• By working quietly in the background, BARK by Range can DETECT potential problems in your child’s online world.
• Get an automatic ALERT by text and email anytime potential risks are identified so you can take action if needed.
• COMMUNICATE with your kids about any potential issues identified by BARK by Range so you can better connect with and protect your kids.
SCREENTIME MANAGEMENT With BARK by Range you can create daily screen time schedules for all of your kids’ devices. Use Bark’s screen time app to set screen time rules, limit a child’s tech use, and create custom schedules for how and when they can use their devices.
WEBSITE FILTERING BARK by Range allows you to block access to apps and specific websites or even whole categories of online content like online gaming or sexual content.